Kitesurfing in Turkey Nowdays "Kitesurfing" or "kiteboarding" is most popular and fastest growing sport in Turkey , We have 3 different Kitesurf spot in Turkey; Kite Xtreme Turkey / Fethiye, Kite Xtreme- Turkey / Gokova, Kite Xtreme Turkey / Patara - Karadere. Our Kitesurf spots (Gokova, Fethiye,
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We say if you are able to walk, you are able to windsurf, just you need to save your 3 hours to learn basics...End of basic course you can start hiring equipment and enjoy or you can convert to our 10 hours licence package to learn this sport more detailed. Our guests
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It s great fun to go on catamaran with group of people…Big difference in between cat sailing – windsurfing or kitesurfing is you are able to sit and chat with your friends same time, less phisicall but more sociable… You can step into cat sailing world with 6 hours basic course of Fethiye Surf Cen
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If you would like to step inton sailing world that s the point you should start…It is so easy to set up a dinghy, easy handling, even very low wind still you can enjoy your time… After 6 hours discovery course you can hire a dinghy sail and enjoy the ocean and wind…If you have already sailing experi
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You are bored of sitting at the beach and don’t want to have any instructions but having fun in the water we have also right option for you : you can try canoe or pedalo, enjoy being in ocean with your friends.
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